As an honest gamer, I like to share my games to other mainstream gamers. I also share indie games to get them attention. However, some games are too just plain awesome to ignore.
First game recommendation, and I will recommend games every week, is World of Tanks. Now, this game is one of those MMO games that is popular world wide, mostly in Europe and Russia. Me being a North American server player, I can tell there is already a lot of players on that server... and North America is divided into 2 servers.
Let's go back a step real quick. World of Tanks is an arcade style tank game, where you manage and command a Tank, Tank Destroyer (referred to as a TD in-game), or Self-Propelled Gun (SPG in-game). The Tanks are upgradable to your liking. Most of the time, however, the Gun and Turret are your main concerns. Suspension, Engine, and Radio do affect your performance, but should usually be researched after the gun and turret, unless it is needed right away.
World of Tanks login screen (May vary due to alternating images) |
World of Tanks, at the time of writing this, has 6 nations: United States, United Kingdom, Nazi Germany, France, Soviet Union, and China. Each nation has their own characteristics that are shown in most of their tanks. For example, the United States has great gun depression (gun depression is how far you can lower your gun. This is important for firing over a hill or ledge without risking getting shot.)
Within each nations is a number of tank lines and tiers. The tiers are ranged form 1 to 10. Tank lines are usually classified by the type of tanks. Light Tanks, Medium Tanks, Heavy Tanks, Tank Destroyers, and Self-Propelled Guns (also known as Artillery). There is also premium tanks, but those are, of course, premium, and require actual currency to purchase.
Since I don't want this to turn into a full guide, I'll instead refer to the WoT wiki, where you can learn about each nation, tank, or type of tank, how to play, good ways to upgrade certain tanks, and much more.
You can find the wiki here:
Anyways, the gameplay is amazing in my opinion. It all depends on you. You can be fast, and strike hard, or stay behind and support your team from afar. Either way is fun.
There is essentially too much to explain here, so I recommend checking out the site, and wiki, and play it yourself. It is completely Free-To-Play. You can download the game client at the main site, here: